January 24, 2010

Tupelo - Fuzzy facts surround fusing postal operations

NEMS360.com - Fuzzy facts surround fusing postal operations: "Opponents of Tupelo’s mail processing consolidation predict dire consequences if it’s approved, but little information is available to support or refute their claims.

What data is provided reveals discrepancies in how the U.S. Postal Service reports post-consolidation results. That makes it hard to determine whether consolidations work, and if so, to what extent.

In one case examined by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the Postal Service’s cost-savings estimates were off by millions of dollars. In another, service downgrades weren’t reported at all.

But if most USPS data is legitimate, mail-processing consolidations have little negative impact on the affected communities or on customer service. And they save the USPS tens of millions of dollars a year."

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