February 02, 2011

Post Office plans to deliver on Wednesday; not so with UPS, FedEx

Post Office plans to deliver on Wednesday; not so with UPS, FedEx: "The US Postal Service will try to live up to its honor code, 'Neither snow, or rain, or sleet, or dark of night, will keep us from our appointed rounds,' by delivering the mail on Wednesday.
It might be later than usual, but a spokesperson at the US Postal Service main post office on Milwaukee Street said they hope to get mail delivery trucks out on Madison's streets by noon.
For Federal Express and UPS customers, you'll most likely have to wait an extra day for that package.
The UPS distribution center in Middleton is shut down due to the blizzard, so no UPS deliveries will be made.
At FedEx, no planes were able to land at Dane County Regional Airport overnight, so there won't be ground delivery service today."

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