July 09, 2010

USPS May Split Role of Letter Carrier By Creating "100% Street" Routes

Dead Tree Edition: USPS May Split Role of Letter Carrier By Creating "100% Street" Routes: "The Postal Service believes it can achieve significant savings by having letter carriers spend their entire shift delivering mail while other employees take over the carriers' mail-preparation duties.

The idea is to split the role of letter carrier into two different jobs -- casers who would take on any mail sorting now done by carriers and deliverers who would strictly deliver the mail. Here is what the USPS said about the tactic in a 'Flats Strategy' paper it submitted to the Postal Regulatory Commission this week:

'Route Optimization 100 Percent Street routes – (2011 and beyond) –– LARGE Opportunity': As total cased volume declines, letter carrier casing will"

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