July 31, 2008

Postal Worker Laid to Rest after Controversial Shooting Death

MyFox Los Angeles | Postal Worker Laid to Rest after Controversial Shooting Death: "Los Angeles -- His shooting death by an Inglewood police officer has led to an independent investigation. Today, postal worker Kevin Wicks will be laid to rest"

Postal workers rally in support of mail processing facility at Hopkins International Airport

Postal workers rally in support of mail processing facility at Hopkins International Airport: "CLEVELAND -- Nearly three dozen U.S. Postal workers rallied Thursday at the Cleveland Airport Mail Center at Hopkins. They're hoping that their efforts will secure the facility's future and their jobs along with it"

Potential McCain VP Pick Fred Smith: Bad For America, Bad For Workers

PostalReporter.com Blog » Union-Busting FedEx CEO On McCain’s VP Short List

Seniors angry about end of postal truck

Seniors angry about end of postal truck | APP.com | Asbury Park Press

July 20, 2008

Postal Worker Held-up At Gunpoint

Police on Saturday searched for two robbers who took several bags of express mail from a postal employee behind a City Heights post office, a police sergeant said


July 16, 2008

Post office seeks to trim Sandusky mail carrier routes

Post office seeks to trim Sandusky mail carrier routes

Sandusky’s post office plans to trim the number of mail carrier routes, but the local postal workers union is trying to stamp that idea “return to sender.”

Postal service uses more walking routes

Postal service uses more walking routes | AVALANCHE-JOURNAL

Because a one-cent increase in the price of fuel raises USPS costs by more than $8 million per year, the postal service is exploring options such as increasing walking routes, bicycle routes and fuel-efficient vehicles to reduce its energy consumption

July 08, 2008

NALC | Young addresses early out rumors

Young addresses early out rumors

There are many rumors on the internet about a pending early out for letter carriers. I have been advised that the USPS has requested permission to have a VERA for letter carriers and expects an answer at the end of this month. Until the Office of Personnel Management has acted upon that request it is premature to discuss any early out options. We will continue to monitor the situation and will alert our members as soon as OPM has acted on the USPS request

NALC | The National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO